Greater Des Moines Murals

Recently, DART, 6th Avenue Corridor Urban Neighborhood Main Street Program and the Greater Des Moines Public Art Foundation announced the 6th Avenue Corridor Bus Shelter public art project. Contemporary artist Sheena Rose will design a series of seven designs to be digitally embedded into the glass panels of each bus shelter. In total, twelve bus shelters will be installed along 6th Ave.

To help celebrate this combination of public art and public transportation, we’ve decided to highlight some of the most visible public art that can be found around Greater Des Moines: murals. Des Moines murals, or wall art, can be found in all corners of our community. The best part? All of it is accessible by transit! View which routes can take you to various murals in Greater Des Moines, and enjoy the ride.

Did we miss a mural? Let us know on social media or at!


DART Central Station

Confluence, Lynn Basa

Tall Grass Tapestry , Troy Corliss 

Transportation Signature, David B. Dahlquist 


Downtown Des Moines  

Jenna Brownlee @jenna_brownlee, The Parker Apartments

More coming soon


East Village 

Garden of Blessings, Patrick Faris, Adina Blooms 

Ally Frame @al__paca, E 5th & E Grand

East Village

Route 1: Fairgrounds

Nicole Salgar and Chuck Barrett, Diversity Insurance 

Didi Contreras @didirok, Secretos Salon

Shine, Robert Whicker, Redhead Park

Route 3: University

Bryan Nance @bryan.w.nance, Drake University Public Safety Building

A Place to Grow, Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya @alonglastname, Drake University Boys and Girls Club

Chris Vance @chrisvanceart, University Library Café

Route 4: E 14th St. 

Hawkeye Elks Lodge 160 Rose Temple 33

Ack and Wiley, Laundry & Bubbles

CERA Street Art @cera_streetart, Laundry & Bubbles

Route 5: Franklin Ave/Johnston

Chris Vance @chrisvanceart, Fongs on Forest

Route 6: Indianola Ave

The Birthplace of Des Moines, Hilde Debruyne @hildeddebruyneart, Principal Park (near 2nd & MLK Jr. Pkwy)

John Neal and Ken Tynan, Italian American Cultural Center of Iowa

Weeks Middle School

Route 7: SW 9th St.

Van Holmgren @vanholmgren, Twisted Pizza Co

Nicole Salgar and Chuck Barrett, SE Coin Laundry

Route 10: East University

Sarah and Leland with Bees, Frank Hansen

Route 11: Ingersoll/Valley Junction  (also accessible by Route 72: West Des Moines Loop)

Atomic Garage

Rick Gray, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 8879

Route 14: Beaver Ave

3301 MLK Pkwy

Timeless Beaverdale, Ben Schuh @benschuh, Beaver & Urbandale

Geri Boesen and Joshua Spain, Beaverdale 


Route 15: 6th Ave

Eric Guyler, Laundry Time 

Birdwatching, Zet Gold @zetgold, Laundry Time 

Chris Williams @kingcaw, 6th & College

Ben Schuh @benschuh, Hiland Park Hardware Company

Chris Vance @chrisvanceart, Chuck's Restaurant

Chris Vance @chrisvanceart, Oak Park Elementary School

Route 16: Douglas Ave

Asphate @phatescrate, Creative Visions 

Route 17: Hubbell Ave/Altoona

Ruben Aguirre @likes_1, Bellos Barbershop

Clean, Current Initiatives Clean Campaign, Wash N Dry Laundry

Jason Brommel, Economy Coin Laundry 

Route 60: University/Ingersoll

Jimmy Navarro @jimmynavarroart, Ingersoll Square Dog Park


Jason Woodside @jasonwoodside, Silver Fox Boutique 

Jordan J. Weber @jordan_j_weber, Badowers

Secure the Bag, Reuben Cheatem @rcheatemartist, Berthel Fisher Co.

Travis Rice @rice.travis, Moberg Gallery 

Nicole K. James @nicolekjames, Cheese Bar

Molly Free @mollyrosetattoos, Enchanted Mystical Boutique

Scott Charles, ASK Studio

Express Route 92: Hickman

Trail and Woods Behind my Neighborhood, Maria Cervantes, Lions Park (Clive)

Chris Vance @chrisvanceart, Clive Public Library 

Express Route 93: NW 86th

Chris Vance @chrisvanceart, Natural Grocers (86th & Hickman)

Nostalgic Clive, Dan Hatala, Swanson Memorial Park

Express Route 98: Ankeny

Jenna Brownlee @jenna_brownlee, The District (Ankeny)

Morezarte, Walnut Street Gallery / Porch Light Coffeehouse 

Did we miss a mural? Let us know on social media or at!

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