Transit Riders Advisory Committee

About the Committee

The Transit Riders Advisory Committee, or TRAC, is a group of 11 riders who advise DART staff and the DART Commission. The aim of the committee is to give riders a larger voice in shaping DART’s operations. Members provide feedback to staff and the Commission, make suggestions to improve service, and increase the communication between riders and staff and the Commission.

The members are appointed by the Commissioners and DART staff and the committee has representation from three Local Route riders, two Express Route riders, one RideShare rider, two Paratransit riders and three At-Large riders representing key constituencies such as refugees, senior citizens, students or low-income individuals. DART staff will solicit applications to the committee when openings become available.

DART staff promotes openings on the committee and will communicate with riders to promote applications when openings become available. Appointments to TRAC typically happen near the beginning of the year. Committee members serve a term of two-years once appointed. Riders can apply any time throughout the year, as there are times where DART will need to fill appointments as terms end or people leave the committee.

For more detailed information about the Committee, procedures, and other guiding information please review TRAC's By-Laws.

To apply to serve on TRAC, click here. Paper applications can also be picked up and dropped off with DART Customer Service at the window in the lobby of DART Central Station (620 Cherry Street, Des Moines).


Committee Members


Fixed Routes

  • David Cambell, Des Moines
  • Jeremy Guenther, Urbandale | Committee Vice Chair
  • MaryAnn Ryan, West Des Moines
  • Matthew Shankles, Des Moines
  • Kaylynn Strain, Des Moines


Mobility Services

  • James Hanold, West Des Moines
  • Leola Jasinski, Ankeny | Committee Chair
  • Todd Kilzer, West Des Moines


At Large

  • Laurie Jones, Des Moines
  • Brandon Paulson, Des Moines
  • Alexis Samano, Des Moines

Committee Meetings

The meetings are open to the public and held at DART Central Station, (620 Cherry St., Des Moines) on the 2nd floor, Multimodal Room with a hybrid (Zoom) option available.


2025 TRAC Meetings

  • January 22*
  • February 26
  • April 2*
  • May 14*
  • May 28
  • June 25
  • August 6
  • August 27
  • September 17*
  • October 29
  • November 19*
  • December 17*

*Meetings adjusted to avoid conflicts with holidays or other events. 


Public Comment at TRAC Meetings

Riders are welcome to attend TRAC meetins and address the Committee.The Committee has established guidelines for making public comments to ensure that meetings are conducted efficiently. Riders may address the Committee during the public comment period at the start of the meeting. Speakers will be limited to three minutes. In addition, the Chair may limit the total time allotted for public comments. 

Riders are kindly asked to limit their remarks to the times allotted for comment so the Committee can conduct business expediently.


Contacting Committee Members

For more information about TRAC or to contact TRAC members, please contact DART Mobility Coordinator Catlin Curry at 515-246-2526 or

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