Posted on December, 10 2024
Please see below for information on a public meeting between DART and representatives of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 441, scheduled for Thursday, December 12, 2024, at 8:30 a.m., in the Multimodal conference room at DART Central Station.
Pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 20.17(3) representatives of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 441, representing Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority union employees, and representatives of Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority, representing the public employer, will meet on Thursday, December 12, 2024, at 8:30 a.m., in the Multimodal conference room located at the Des Moines Regional Transit Authority Central Station office building (DCS) located at 620 Cherry Street Des Moines, Iowa. At this meeting the union employee organization and public employer will deliver initial bargaining proposals.
Iowa Code section 20.17(3) provides:
3. Negotiating sessions, strategy meetings of public employers, mediation, and the deliberative process of arbitrators shall be exempt from the provisions of chapter 21. However, the employee organization shall present its initial bargaining position to the public employer at the first bargaining session. The public employer shall present its initial bargaining position to the employee organization at the second bargaining session, which shall be held no later than two weeks following the first bargaining session. Both sessions shall be open to the public and subject to the provisions of chapter 21.